
RICS新主席Martin J Bruhl:「可持續發展企業是負責任的企業」

RICS新主席Martin J Bruhl:「可持續發展企業是負責任的企業」

香港2015年6月30日電 /美通社/ -- 皇家特許測量師學會(Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors以下簡稱RICS宣佈委任 Martin J Bruhl FRICS 為第134屆主席。他於今天(30日)發表就職演說時表示,可持續發展商業模式能帶動環球房地產市場的繁榮、創新及投資,其重要性不能忽視。

Martin是首位來自歐洲區會員擔任主席,現職國際投資機構 Union Investment Real Estate 的國際投資管理主管,擅長可持續發展的投資及風險管理。RICS主席任期內,他將重點處理三項工作,包括推動國際標準、RICS未來報告、以及維護行業的多元化及包容性。


RICS 於上周和聯合國全球契約就土地、建築、房地產企業及其合作夥伴,推動全球業界踐行社會責任與可持續發展的商業操作模式。他讚揚RICS在聯合國全球契約中起領導作用,推動行業發展。

Martin 同時強調風險管理的重要性日益增加,表示現時為由各個中央銀行共同推動的歷史性低息年代,對風險管理的挑戰有增無減,此亦為 RICS 提供機會,領導基金經理思考其作為受託人的責任。

Martin 出身於房地產投資,精通英語,德語和法語。他在 Union Investment Real Estate 專責監督歐元區以外的房地產交易,包括英國,美洲和亞太地區等。

RICS 主席 Martin J Bruhl FRICS 全文就職演說可於以下網址下載:www.rics.org/martinbruehl


1.   2015至2016年RICS主席團隊成員包括:

  • Amanda Clack,RICS 候任主席
  • John Hughes,RICS 高級副主席
  • Chris Brooke,RICS 副主席
  • Bill Gater,RICS 名譽司庫
  • Rob Mahoney,RICS 名譽秘書長











Profile of Martin Bruhl                                                                                                            

Martin J Bruhl FRICS takes over as RICS President on 29 June 2015.

His expertise is in real estate investment and, during his RICS presidency, he will continue in his role as the Head of International Investment Management at Union Investment Real Estate. There, he oversees property acquisitions and disposals outside of the Eurozone, including Asia, North and South America and the United Kingdom. Union is one of Germany's leading asset funds and manages more than €200bn in assets.

Martin qualified as a chartered surveyor in 1995. He started his career in valuation and capital markets advisory and now focusses on the area of investment. He held previous positions at international consultancy firms such as DTZ, Cushman and Wakefield, and Arthur Andersen.

Martin speaks German, English and French. He holds a banking diploma and a property degree from City University Business School in London.

Please see the biographies for the RICS Presidential Team for 2015-2016:

RICS President Elect: Amanda Clack FRICS

Amanda joins EY as a Partner from 1st August 2015 as the Head of Infrastructure (Advisory).  Prior to this she was a Partner at PwC, where she led on property, real estate and construction for consulting, as well as consulting across the South East of England. Qualifying as a quantity surveyor and in project management, Amanda is a Fellow of RICS, the Association for Project Management, the Royal Society of Arts, the Institute of Consulting and the Institute of Management. She is also a Companion of the Institute of Management, is a Certified Management Consultant and an Affiliate of the Institute of Accountants for England and Wales. Amanda is also an Associate School Governor.  In 2013 Anglia Ruskin University presented Amanda with the Success in Business Award.

RICS Senior Vice President: John Hughes FRICS

John is the Chair of RICS in Americas world regional board. A member of Governing Council, he chairs its Strategy Group for 2015-16. His involvement with other RICS boards and committees goes back many years. John is based in Toronto, Canada, and is a founding partner of Hemson Consulting Ltd. For clients mainly in the public sector, the firm provides a wide range of advice regarding urban and regional urban growth management issues including demographics, land use planning and development and municipal finance. For many years property taxation has been a particular focus of John's career ranging from valuation assignments to tax policy advice. Infrastructure financing and long range plans are among the other types of assignments that John undertakes.

RICS Vice President: Chris Brooke FRICS

Chris has over 25 years of experience in various fields of the property industry. He is the Executive Managing Director, Consulting, Asia Pacific at CBRE, a role which involves the strategic oversight of all of the consulting and advisory work undertaken by CBRE throughout the Asia Pacific region. He is also a member of the Asia Pacific Strategic Group at CBRE, which is the body responsible for the formulation and implementation of business strategy for CBRE throughout Asia Pacific.

RICS Honorary Secretary: Robert P Mahoney FRICS

Rob is acknowledged as one of the most experienced independent GIS consultants in Europe and was formally Principal of MahGeo with over 25 years' experience.

He was formally the UK delegate to Federation Internationale des Geometres (FIG) Commission 3; former Vice President of Comite de Liaison des Geometres Europeens (CLGE) and former member of UK Governments Geographic Information Panel under the direction of the Deputy Prime Minister and has represented RICS at the World Bank in Washington.

RICS Honorary Treasurer: Bill Gater FRICS 

Bill has over 35 years' experience as a Chartered Surveyor in the UK public and private sector. He was a company director / partner in a firm of Chartered Surveyors for 25 years. He is an accredited mediator and has been a member of the Residential Property Tribunal, appointed by the Secretary of State, for over 15 years.

Click here for full biographies of the RICS Leadership Team 2015/16

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